December 1, 2021

Victories in Ohio Court of Appeals cases

Lawyers at Milligan Pusateri recently won victories for their clients in two Ohio Court of Appeals cases.


Merle (Trace) Evans prevailed on behalf of his insurance client when the court confirmed that there was no uninsured motorists coverage for an innocent victim of a shooting. The victim was sitting in her car when shots were fired from another vehicle that sped away. The Second District Court of Appeals affirmed a motion for summary judgment on behalf of the insurance company. McGuire v Motorists Mutual Insurance Co., 2021-Ohio-3945.

Attorneys Brandon Trent and Jack Cooper convinced the Fifth District Court of Appeals that their private landowner clients who installed a zip line on their property were immune from suit under the Ohio Recreational User statute. The case involved a minor guest on the property who was injured while using the zipline, and the Fifth District Court of Appeals affirmed a motion for summary judgment on behalf of the private landowners. Thomas, et al. v. Chimera, 2021-Ohio-4204.