All of the material and information provided by Milligan Pusateri Co., LPA on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered or construed to be legal advice.  There is no guarantee that all of the information contained on this website is current, complete, or applicable to a user’s specific circumstance or problem.  No user of this website should rely solely on the information provided here, but instead should seek advice and guidance from licensed attorneys for their particular legal needs.

Use of this website or any form included on this website does not constitute the establishment of an attorney-client relationship between any user and Milligan Pusateri Co., LPA or any of its individual attorneys.  We do not intend to solicit clients solely through publication of this website. It is our policy to enter into an attorney-client relationship through a written engagement letter or fee agreement in accord with applicable laws and rules.

The lawyers of Milligan Pusateri Co., LPA represent clients in legal matters arising in Ohio as well as matters pending in the federal courts of Ohio.  We do not practice law in other states.

Users should not send confidential information about themselves or their legal problems through this website or through email to Milligan Pusateri Co. LPA or any of its individual attorneys unless and until requested to do so by an employee or attorney of Milligan Pusateri Co., LPA.  Unsolicited information sent through this website or through email will not be treated as confidential or privileged and may be subject to disclosure to third-parties.

The terms and conditions described above are subject to change without notice to users.